Type of the custom data property (optional, inferred automatically).
Custom data.
X start of the line.
X end of the line.
Y start of the line.
Y end of the line.
Determine which quadrant this line belongs to.
Quadtree node to be checked
Array containing indexes of intersecting subnodes (0-3 = top-right, top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right)
check if a line segment (the first 4 parameters) intersects an axis aligned rectangle (the last 4 parameters)
line start X
line start Y
line end X
line end Y
rectangle start X
rectangle start Y
rectangle end X
rectangle end Y
true if the line segment intersects the axis aligned rectangle
Generated using TypeDoc
Class representing a Line
Without custom data (JS/TS):
With custom data (JS/TS):
With custom data (TS):
With custom class extending Line (implements LineGeometry (x1, y1, x2, y2)):
With custom class and mapping LineGeometry:
With custom object that implements LineGeometry:
With custom object and mapping LineGeometry: